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한국 및 동북아시아의 현안과 지구공동과제에 대한 동영상 수업과 칼럼 수업을 수강한 후 보고서를 제출합니다.

제목 "A Girl's Story" [동영상] 아시아평화 > 일본군위안부
작성자 Ryeowon K 등록일 2020-01-22 조회수 294

In the video, "A Girl's Story," it tells a story about a statue in the rain in Seoul, Korea. Although it had been there for quite some time, nobody paid any attention to her. Until one rainy day, a passing man began to stare at her and later stand by the statue, protecting her from the rain. People were touched by what he did and they began to start paying interest to the comfort women.

They started doing protests and demanded for an apology from Japan. Japan have apologized, but not publicy and only to Korean women, although the women they raped consisted of Dutch, Korean, Phillipines, Chinese, Japanese, and many more.

When I watched the video, I could barely believe a thing like that ever happened. That people are able to cause that much pain and not feel sorry about it. Like all Korean girls, I have learned about the comfort women in school and at home. But I had never given much thought except to say, "That's horrible! Something needs to be done!" And not doing anything. It just felt like a closed matter in the past, something that didn't concern me. I feel like a lot of people in Korea also does that.

After watching this video, I have questioned my logic. This is a matter that hasn't been solved, and something that needs to be dealt with. The fact that women were raped in camps as much as fifty times a day goes against women's rights, human rights, and humanity in general. This is a matter that will come back in the future if not solved now. The survivors deserve an apology for their stolen childhood.

But the video I watched had many dislikes, and one person even commented against it, saying that comfort women weren't sex slaves, but "prostitues that were paid for their services." It's sickening to see people go against the victims of comfort stations, calling them liars and fakes. When I looked over the comment, the pieces of evidence was missing so it only gave evidence to the other side.

Personally, I believe that we should do everything we can to raise awareness that a thing such as this ever happened. No excuse would, or could, excuse what truly happened. The handful of the remaining survivors deserve an apology, and it is only right to demand a proer, official apology from the Prime Minister of Japan until he gives one.

The video, "A Girl's Story," was heartbreaking as it was inspiring, and I hope that I can raise awareness to people that doesn't know that this happened, or believes that it never happened. As the video said, "She sits on a chair alone...The empty chair embodies the lost time and dreams of these women." Although nothing can make up what they went through, and nothing can replace the childhood they could have had but was taken away, but we can fight for what is right and demand an apology from Japan. If we must demand for one forever, we should. If we need to, we must. It is our responsibility as a human to demand wrongdoings to be apologized and forgiven.

In order to define the truth and what really happened, we must come together. Even if it's only three people, or three thousand, every strength and every person counts. Until the women get an apology for what was done to them, we must keep fighting.



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